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Air-Lock Python Clamp

Python Clamp Overview (EU Edition)

Python Clamp Overview (EU Edition)

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 Air-Lock Python™ Clamp

The first true clamp designed for hobby penis enlargement (PE) work. Gone are the days of hand exercises you can’t master, fussing with padding, not having the right size starting girth, using cable clamps not designed for PE work, trying to maintain erections or poor erection quality, and above all…the frustration of not gaining because you couldn’t figure out how to make clamping work! (Patent Pending)


Simple: The device is designed for ease of use, with a focus on new PE users. Operation is one handed, universal, with a single knob to control pressure. Built strong for repeatable sessions.

Versatile: The device can be used by itself as a standalone clamp, in concert with other Air-Lock clamps (units can be stacked), with your hands, or with a vacuum penis pump to provide amazing internal pressure every session.

Quick on and off:  Using your vacuum pump (sold separately) and the included quick connect, the air can be removed from the device for faster installation and removal.

Compression Pumping: Traditional vacuum penis pumps deliver slow progress by themselves and often require high vacuum pressures that can cause injury to see results. The Air-Lock Python  increases internal pressure during your pumping sessions while lowering the required vacuum pressure to see results, keeping you safer while increasing session effectiveness. Lower operating vacuum pressure means greatly reduced chances for blisters...!

Hanger attachment: Hanger accessory can be used to attach 10 lbs of weight for more girth routines.

Skin Safe Silicone: Unlike the cheap toys you may find online made from toxic chemicals, all components are made from the same type of silicone featured in Hollywood special effects makeup.!

Smooth Seal: No hard points to pinch your skin like cable clamps or press on delicate nerves.

Powerful: 2 pressure stages for both new and advanced users. Stage 1 is designed for those new to PE work, providing ample compression power while also yielding when pressure limits reach higher levels reserved for advanced users.  Stage 2 provides a grip strong enough to impress even veterans of the PE community. Combined with a traditional penis air pump, the clamp can deliver amazing levels of clamping force.

NOTE: Install second sleeve on top of first sleeve for stage 2 level clamping pressure. 

Shockloader: Forget hand exercises or cable clamps to shockload (break down) and weaken tissues before your length stretching sessions. The Python squeezes tight from the start to create micro-tears more effectively for the most effective stretching sessions. 

Quality Components: Made in the USA. Constructed of heavy duty machined components and medical grade parts, the device is designed for long term PE career use. The modular design can be repaired and upgraded as well, providing more value for your money!

Unique Design: Created by a research and development medical device designer with  over 25 years of PE experience.

One size fits 99% of men:

The Python fits 3.5 inch (76.2MM) to 7 inch (177.8MM) erect circumferences. 

Item Dimensions

Width of frame: 4 inches (101.6MM)

Height of frame: 1 inch (25.4MM)

Opening width: 2.5 inches (63.5MM)


-Measure your erect girth with a tailor's tape before ordering for proper fit. If it is between 3.5 inch (76.2MM) to 7 inch (177.8MM), you should fit into the device. 



-If you wish to use your vacuum pump, the opening on your vacuum penis pump cylinder flange must fit the clamp opening (2.5"/63.5MM wide) so a proper seal can be created.  


Operation Instructions

This video has been deleted.


-Any numbness, tingling, excess coldness, or color changes to blue/black should not be ignored and are signs to release air pressure and remove the device as soon as possible. Restore circulation before continuing to use product

1. Make sure the knob is set to the OFF (left, counter-clockwise position) and all air has left the device.

2. Be partly or fully soft/flaccid to insert into the clamp.  You can use soapy water to aid with lubrication for insertion. Using lotions may cause slippage during operation.

3. If uncircumcised (uncut), be sure the foreskin is covering the head (glans) and insert it into the opening. The head will pop out of the foreskin on the other side of the clamp opening.  If circumcised, use two fingers to compress and pull the head through the clamp opening. 

4. Slide the device all the way down to the shaft base, resting at the bottom. 

5. Gently turn the knob to the ON (right, clockwise position) to close the air valve. Do not overtighten the knob as it can damage the air valve.

6. If using a vacuum pump, place the included pump cylinder seal on top of the clamp and center it on the clamp. Next, place the pump cylinder on top of the clamp seal, and make sure the clamp, seal, and cylinder are centered with each other.

7. Slightly pump the clamp's air bulb to form a seal at the base.

8. Become erect by use of stimulation or pump (set to 5 Hg).  Full erect for shockloading, or approximately 80% erect (still floppy) for clamped squeezes or overall expansion work.

9. Gently squeeze the clamp's air bulb to increase pressure until a surface tension on the penis is felt, becoming a slightly uncomfortable expansion sensation as the penis chambers are pushed to their expansion limits. Do NOT continue to add pressure if a stretched expansion feeling is felt at lower pressure levels.


NEVER pump to maximum pressure!  If a bubble begins to form in the white sleeve, the device is beyond its limit and can fail (pop) if pressure is increased further..!!! Release some air to lower air pressure to safer levels.

10. Set a timer (5 minutes maximum) and hold in you preferred sitting/standing position, slightly increasing clamp pressure as required to maintain the desired expanded sensation.  Typical adjustment to pressure setting is every 1-2 minutes. Do not adjust unless pressure loss is felt. Any tingling, numbness, coldness, or change in color to blue and/or black should not be ignored and is a sign to release air pressure on the device and remove if needed. 

11. At the 5-minute mark, turn the clamp knob to the off (left) position and pressure should immediately drop.

12. Leave the device on your penis. If using a pump, remove the cylinder and leave the clamp on. Massage the shaft and head to restore color and circulation. 

13. Repeat the setup procedure above, cycling between exercise and rest for up to 1 hour on a session day. 

14 To remove the device, be flaccid as possible. Apply soapy water around the shaft to slide the device off.  Remember to wash your device to avoid bacteria growth and avoid urinary tract infections.

15. Shockloading: Clamping sessions are suggested to be done for 1-2 sets of 5 minutes each before wearing a length device to shockload the tissues.

16.  Girth sessions: Done every other day to help preserve erection quality. Increasing workout duration past 1 hour of 5 minute sets or continued daily use without rest days can negatively impact erection quality.  

























Sleeve replacement instructions:

Step 1: Remove screws holding device together.

Step 2: Take a photo of how the white sleeve is mounted to the ring for reference.

Step 3: If you are replacing a damaged sleeve, remove the old sleeve. 

Step 4. Be sure to stretch the ends of the new sleeve outward first as shown to make it easier to install. If installing Stage 2 sleeve, install it over the existing one, making sure it is installed like the first one with no wrinkles or mis-alignment. Both sleeves should look even and the hole centered on the ring.

Step 5. Check the new sleeve(s) so that it looks like the photo you took.

Step 6. Put the ring with sleeve(s) back into the 2 halves of the frame, making sure the air fitting is in the semi-circles on the frames. Make sure there is a slight gap all the way around the ring between the ring and black frame for best alignment. 

Step 7. Put screws back in, gently tightening every other screw slightly until all are equally tightened. Loose screws can cause leaks.

Step 8. Check air pressure by gently closing the silver air valve on the squeeze bulb and pumping 1-2 times to check for leaks and alignment.


                                  Quick Kits connectors may vary in appearance, but all function in the same way, 

Leak Testing

For suspected leaks, double check where the leak may be coming from. Put some air in the device, then hold the entire device with bulb under water in a bowl or sink with water in it. Bubbles will tell you where the leak is.

-Any numbness, tingling, excess coldness, or color changes to blue/black should not be ignored and are signs to release air pressure and remove the device as soon as possible. Restore circulation before continuing to use product.


-Never wear while sleeping or impaired by drugs or alcohol.

-Never hang weights where they could possibly fall and hit feet or other objects.

-Do not ejaculate, edge, perform bends, masturbate or kegel while clamped or under vacuum pressure.

-ALWAYS wash hands and devices before beginning a PE session to avoid urinary tract infections.


-Take good measurements and even photos before you begin to compare your progress to. 

-Should the device produce a pronounced bubble while under pressure, it is at its pressure limit.  See the sleeve insert instructions for removal and replacement.  

-Color changes to blue or black indicate lack of oxygen and to remove the device immediately. 

-Do not pump to excess pressure, and never to the point of pain.  The device should hold on without pain.

-Trim pubic hair and avoid using lubrication to avoid slippage.

-Time under pressure is key.  Strive for 5 minutes under pressure and 2-5 minutes of rest, cycling between the 2 states during a session. 30-60 minute sessions (5 minutes on, 2-5 minutes rest between sets done repeatedly) are suggested. Perform every other day to preserve erection quality.

-To target overall girth: Carefully apply the clamp while fully erect. 

-To target base and glans girth: At 80% erect, gently squeeze below the glans where it meets the shaft. Head and base will expand. 

-To target mid-shaft girth: Perform a gentle manual squeeze to compress the glans and upper shaft. 

-To target the head (glans): Gently squeeze the lower and middle shaft, forcing blood into the head.

-Don't want more girth in an area?: Place a silicone toe shield over the area to protect it from expansion.

-Above all, be patient and understand that PE is a slow process.  Treat it like a lifestyle or hobby that you devote time to, like any other hobby. 



Tips and tricks

Assembly and Stage 2 Installation

Video Clamping Guides

Overall Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

Overall Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

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Mid Shaft Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

Mid Shaft Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

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Glans and Base Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

Glans and Base Girth (Python Clamp) EU Edition

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Clamp Sleeve Replacement

Clamp Sleeve Replacement

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Don't over pump

You may be tempted to keep pumping and pumping.  Stop pumping when you begin to feel a stretching sensation that can be slightly uncomfortable. NEVER pump or clamp to the point of pain! 

The clamp is not indestructible

The clamp is designed to bubble if the pressure is too high.  The clamp can be disassembled to reset the clamp, install stage 2 sleeve, and to clean the silicone diaphragm. 

Trim Fingernails and pubic hair

The silicone found in the clamp is strong but can be easily damaged by sharp fingernails. For the best base seal, trim pubic hair (do not shave) very short.

Quick Kit Operation

Quick Kit Operation

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